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Studying can be tough for kids, and as a parent, you may feel frustrated trying to get them interested in their lessons. However, pushing too hard isn’t the solution. Instead, let’s focus on working smart, not just working hard. Here are 10 tips to help your child excel in their studies:

  1. Take it slow: Your child’s brain processes information better when it’s given in small chunks. So, break up study sessions into short, 30-minute segments to help them absorb the material effectively.
  2. Create the right space: Set up a dedicated study area with all the necessary materials. Make sure it’s free from distractions like TV, phones, or loud conversations.
  3. Prioritize health: Ensure your child eats well, gets enough rest, and has time to play. A healthy body and mind are essential for effective learning.
  4. Try flashcards: Writing down key points on flashcards can help your child remember what they’ve learned. The act of writing helps the brain retain information better.
  5. Connect the dots: Encourage your child to link related information as they study. This contextual learning helps them understand the bigger picture.
  6. Set goals: Help your child make a to-do list of tasks they need to complete. Crossing items off the list boosts their confidence and productivity.
  7. Practice, practice, practice: Regular testing at home can identify weak areas and improve your child’s confidence in the subject matter.
  8. Teach to learn: When your child tries to teach someone else, they reinforce their own understanding of the material. It’s a proven method for deepening comprehension.
  9. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps integrate concepts and aids in faster recall. It’s an effective way to solidify their knowledge.
  10. Give those eyes a break: Too much screen time can strain your child’s eyes. Consider printing out online materials to ease the load on their eyes, especially with the rise of online classes and study materials.

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